QU14TTORDICIVENTIQU24TTRO Vernissage: Wednesday November 8, 2023 – 6:30 pmOn view: November 9 – December 22, 2023 Ten irregular years. Maroncelli 12 celebrates its tenth anniversary with a collective exhibition of Outsider artists, the Masters who made the history of the Milanese gallery. “Furtive and wild like a deer”: is the Jean Dubuffet’s definition of Art Brut […]

Samaneh Atef. Out of place​

Samaneh Atef Out of place​ Vernissage: Wednesday November 8, 2023 – 6:30 pm On view: November 9 – December 22, 2023 After the stop in Turin, at GliAcrobati gallery, Samaneh Atef arrives in Milan at Maroncelli 12 with the exhibition “Fuori posto / Out of place”. The Iranian artist (1989, Bandar Abbas, Islamic Republic of Iran) […]

Raffaele Capuana. Il rosso è un colore che non conosco

Raffaele Capuana Il rosso è un colore che non conosco Opening: Thursday May 18, 2023 at 6.30 pmOn view: May 19, 2023 – September 27, 2023 I first encountered Raffaele Capuana’s painting while leafing through the pages of the Outsider Art Observatory (n. 20) where the beautiful article by Giorgio Seveso underlines his talent and […]

Davide Cicolani. e rimanemmo a guardare quello che accadeva

Davide Cicolani e rimanemmo a guardare quello che accadeva Vernissage: Wednesday November 16, 2022. At 6.30 pmWith the presence of the artistOn view November 17, 2022 – February 24, 2023 After participating in the Outsider Art Fair Paris, Maroncelli 12 returns to the gallery with a solo exhibition by Davide Cicolani. “e rimanemmo a guardare […]

Daniel Gonçalves. Centers of gravity

Daniel Gonçalves. Centers of gravity Opening: Thursday May 5, 2022, 6pm – 9pmOn view: May 6 – May 28, 2022 Parma, Rizomi Arte Gallery – Saturday 7 May 2022, 6 pm-9pm On display from 6 May to 28 May 2022 Maroncelli 12 and RIZOMIarte present the work of Daniel Gonçalves for the first time in […]

Do you see what I see?

Do you see what I see? Precedente Successivo Opening: Thursday May 27, 2021 at 5 pm – 9 pmOn view: May 28, 2021 – August 27, 2021 Three-quarter, front, profile. Realistic or visionary. In the history of art, the depiction of the face shows the alternating of phases: from realism to idealization, from the stylization […]

Pietro Ghizzardi. The sea and a beautiful woman to kiss

Pietro Ghizzardi The sea and a beautiful woman to kiss Opening: Wednesday November 10, 2021. At 6:30 pmOn view: November 11, 2021 – January 28, 2022 After the exhibition at the American Folk Art Museum, Pietro Ghizzardi arrives in Milan with a solo show in Maroncelli 12 gallery. The exhibition “The sea and a beautiful […]

Egidio Cuniberti. The sticks of Mondovì

Egidio Cuniberti. The sticks of Mondovì Opening: Wednesday November 6, 2019 at 6:30 pmOn view: On view November 7, 2019 – January 31, 2020 “Egidio Cuniberti. The sticks of Mondovì” is a solo exhibition that offers an exceptional selection of paintings by this Piemontese artist, known mainly for his imaginative furniture. About twenty paintings, like bas-reliefs, […]

Margins of the sky. Maria Callegaro and Alessandro Santoro

Margins of the sky. Maria Callegaro and Alessandro Santoro Opening: Thursday May 23 2019, at 6:30 pmOn view: May 24 – September 27, 2019 The “Margins of the sky” exhibition is dedicated to the painting of Maria Callegaro and Alessandro Santoro. It is about twenty works created by two artists far from age and origin but united […]

Mauro Gottardo. Side effects

Mauro Gottardo Side effects Opening: Wednesday November 7, 2018. At 6:30 pmOn view: November 8, 2018 – January 31, 2019 “Side effects”, the exhibition title, is a 2001 opera, composed of 19 sheets. On each sheet are listed the side effects of a drug (an amphetamine that would encourage weight loss) in red lettering . […]